Bucks Mont CEF

Lori Seltzer, Field Missionary

Lori’s Testimony

    My testimony is a story of the faithfulness of God. Time and time again, he lead me into his will, stirring my heart to go make disciples of his littlest ones.
     God’s grace was evident to me from an early age. I grew up in a Christian home, with two believing parents. Church was a regular event for my family; Every time the doors were open, we were there! From an early age, I knew about Jesus coming to earth to die for our sins.
    Around the age of 7, my church had a singing group from a Christian College come for an event. I remember vividly that after they sang, the gospel was given. Although I was familiar with its message, this time was different. When the invitation to come forward was given, I stood there and thought, “I never did that… I didn’t know I had to ask!”. So, I went forward, and one of the girls talked with me, leading me through the sinner’s prayer and these verses: “That God demonstrates his love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8) and “If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved” (Romans 10:9-10). Praise God, I was saved!
    By God’s grace, I continued to have the desire to live for God for the rest of my young years. While in high school, I took a missions trip to Mexico. From then on, I purposely pursued a desire to grow spiritually. I came home and started a bible study at my school. In fact, my high school summers were spent being a CEF summer missionary for Lebanon County! Through the training at Summer Missionary Camp for the first time, I felt I could confidently share the Gospel through the Wordless Book. God allowed me to witness 100s of children come to Christ, over those 4 summers with CEF. There, God stirred in my heart a passion to teach the scriptures to Boys and Girls.
     I decided to attend Baptist Bible College (now Summit University) to earn a one-year Bible degree. There I met my husband, who was studying to become a Pastor. The Lord gave me the desire of my heart, and in every ministry, we have served in, I was blessed to be a children’s bible teacher! Such ministries I served in were AWANA, Sunday School, VBS, and Bible Clubs.
    God began to stir my heart again back in 2021. I kept hearing, “What are you doing to add to the Kingdom of Heaven?” I knew the natural fit for me was CEF. After much prayer and a time of waiting I was hired as a Field Missionary for Buck and Montgomery Counties.

     One of my favorite verses is Romans 8:32
          “He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all,
           how will He not also with Him freely give us all things?”
     This verse is a constant reminder that my God loves me and He has my back! Great is his faithfulness!
      My heart’s prayer is to be a vessel used to shine the Glory of God to boys and girls and through the teaching of His Word their hearts are softened to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.