Jeremy’s Testimony
When I was only nine months old my mom found me in the crib not moving. The boy who usually was crawling around in the crib in the morning was still. Upon investigation at the hospital we found that I was paralyzed on my right side. They saw seizure activity and from examining my MRI diagnosed me as having a brain tumor. When I was very young I had many medical issues that made my parents fear for my life. At that time I also had another issue, a bigger issue that everyone in the world has as well. This issue is called sin. Sin separates us from a loving God because God is perfect and cannot be with sin. Sin is all of the things that we do that displease God, this goes from the little white lie to the criminal in jail. It says in the Bible that the penalty for sin is death (Romans 6:23, NIV). Everyone is born with a sin nature, even me at the young age of 9 months. I had sin, was paralyzed, had seizures, and a brain tumor. But I did not stay this way. Before the doctors went to do surgery on the brain tumor they checked on it and it was gone. It came back and the same thing happened leaving the doctors with no answers of how and why a brain tumor could just disappear. Eventually the paralysis stopped and through God’s grace the boy who should not be able to stand can now walk, run and do everything at a normal strength. God has also made it so I could be seizure medication free for the past five years. I used to take 10 pills twice a day; I now take three pills once a day for allergies. Even with all this healing I still have a problem. That is the biggest problem of all. That problem is sin. At this point I am still separated from God. Until, four day from my fourth birthday, my parents shared Christ with me. They told me about my sin problem and they also told me how to solve that problem. They told me how Jesus, God’s perfect son, came to earth, lived a perfect life, and then died for my sins. He died in my place and took my sin upon himself. Three days later he rose again and he is alive today! I believed in Jesus that day and it has changed my life. I now serve Jesus with all that I have and through him I find healing and joy! I still have sin, but I now have Jesus on my side and that is a game changer. Even when health issues come back to haunt me I do not need to be afraid because the God of angel armies is on my side. They can be on your side too. All you need to do is believe like I did those many years ago. And then your life will change.