While Covid-19 has taken a toll on our ministry, we are so thankful that God is accomplishing His purpose in this uncertain time. The safety and health of the kids we’ve been working with is being protected, as we all stay at home with our families. We are so blessed to have the technology, doctors, and scientists that keep us safe. We’ve been able to hold video meetings with our staff, and even are testing out online Good News Clubs! So far, they’re a hit! While we don’t fully know what our summer ministry will look like, we know that our ministry will fill the gap in any area God provides new, creative ways to reach kids this summer.

It has been so much fun to still see the sweet smiles and hear the adorable laughter of our Good News Club kids through our trial Online clubs this month. We do everything from Bible lesson to songs to toy show and tell. It’s been so much fun! I am so grateful for the opportunity we have through technology to still be sharing with them about the hope we have in Jesus! They have been asking so many questions each week and this has given us the chance to really dive deep into God’s Word and help them grow in their faith. Praise the Lord! “

This summer, we plan to prioritize and focus on our Camp Good News ministry. As long as our government allows child care organizations to resume, Camp Good News will be open! We look forward to providing engaging, educational childcare for families this summer. Through our camp scholarships, we also hope to bless families who are struggling financially in the wake of the pandemic. Our main goal in Camp Good News is to clearly share the good news of the gospel. We want to encourage campers that despite anything going on around us, we can trust that God is in control. The curriculum planned for this summer takes the children through Jesus’ earthly ministry. In sharing these Bible lessons, our desire is that children would come to a saving knowledge of Jesus and live their lives for Him.
Flood Philly Postponed to June 2021
We have decided that we will postpone our Flood Philly missions trip to June of 2021. In doing this, we hope to keep everyone safe and healthy. We do not want to take the risk of spreading germs across many different churches, housing projects, and community centers. We pray that God will give us the opportunity to have an even greater, impactful missions trip for both the teenagers attending and the children hearing the gospel in 2021.

Flood Philly’s Postponed!?! What can I do now!? Is Flood Philly your favorite part of the summer!? Do you love working with kids, running 5-day clubs, and the fellowship and growth that comes with being a part of Flood Philly!? Do we have some news for you!
We are looking for:
Staffing for Camp Good News: Newtown! If you are interested, or you know a student who may be, get in touch with us!
At this point, we are still planning on holding Camp Good News, a day camp for kids, at both our Telford and Newtown locations! These camps run for 6-8 weeks, meaning there’s lots of opportunity to jump in! While we are currently close to capacity for Telford staff, we are in great need for camp counselors at Camp Good News: Newtown, located at the same church that hosts CEF for Flood Philly every year!
Prayer: For those affected by Covid-19. That our CEF staff and ministry would be fully supported in this time of financial hardship. For our online Good News Clubs, We are grateful for the ability to still share the good news of Jesus with children.
Praise!: Our Bucks-Mont Local Coordinator, Zach Darrow, was married to Natalie Davis on March 23, 2020. They’re so excited to continue doing ministry together as a team!
Pray & Support by Mail: Please share your commitment by sending a letter at: CEF of PA Bucks-Mont Chapter PO Box 489 Dublin, PA 18917
Support Get to know a specific missionary by receiving their newsletter Pray about financially supporting our ministry or one of our missionaries
Pray & Support Online! BUCKSMONTCEF.COM/SUPPORTANDPRAY Online, you can pledge to pray, request prayer from us, pledge your support, and find more information on how you can help with our ministry needs!
This is the Newsletter of CEF Bucks-Mont, but did you know each of our full time and summer missionaries send out newsletters too? If you’re interested in hearing the stories of a CEF missionary this year, now is a great time to start! If you would like to receive a missionaries newsletter, you can head to to view a list of our full time missionaries. You can fill out the contact form on our website and ask that we send you the newsletter for any full time missionary, or that we keep you in mind during the summer as someone who would like to hear the stories of our summer missionaries! As always, we thank you for your faithfulness and interest in our ministry as we spread the gospel throughout Bucks and Montgomery County!
All our full time staff and even some extra help were needed at this huge Good News Club!